Cavanaugh Park
Some may not know,
Darrel and I recently adopted another dog...
Not too graceful huh??
I'm sorry I am so bad at posting pics - it takes so long to upload them!!! but my sisters have been bugging me to put troy's pics up... so here goes...
His nick name is also chewbacca - I think you know why :p
but seriously, Troy's cute MOST of the time...
He ran away TWICE though, had to pay a fine of $80 for him both times.
Broke 2 toes before his owner gave him up - I guess he is quite a handful..
But still cute, not very smart but adorable :)
But ya!!! He full on fell asleep like that!!! I couldn't stop laughing!!! and taking pictures of course - seriously!! I didn't know dogs could fall asleep in that position...
How shameless!! :p
Anyways, here are some of the other things that I have been up to...
This is the amazing camp committee that I was so privilege to work with and organise one of my most amazing fungus/101 youth camp *haha*
I can say that cuz I've only attended 2 :p
But it was such a phenomenal experience!! Really.
And of course - I went to watch Australia vs Japan!!!!
*haha* I can't believe I'm into soccer now, I actually enjoy it!!! Cuz flash back a couple of years ago, I think I only watched it for David Beckham :p But now, I actually enjoy watching the weekly youth soccer matches :) It's actually exciting.
But anyway, I was disappointed with the Aus vs Jap match!
Can't believe that Japan LOST!!! :(
Oh well...
love these personal posts of yours with pics! i side with your sisters, do it more!! :)
btw, LOL to your dog sleeping! haha... he looks like the other side of a fluffy mop when he does that!
And yay for wives to learn to like soccer! I was like you - didnt have a care in the world before I got married. Now look at me! hahaha :)
why ya on not australia's
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