Saturday, November 10, 2012


Somehow this song is just the perfect soundtrack for the season up ahead

I'm definitely feeling sad about leaving Melbourne but yet so excited about going back to Sydney..
About starting a life together - just us..

Don't get me wrong, it has been absolutely great living with family especially while doing my CA, getting home cooked food and not worrying about finances.

But it's something about starting a home together.. something so foreign, fresh and exciting that I can't help but look forward to all that God has in store for us.. both the fun parts and the challenges that may come our way. I truly believe it is exactly what we need this season. Something that will stretch me personally in my faith, the exact ingredient that will build our relationship, our career, and equip us for the next phase of our lives. I know we will learn so much just by throwing ourselves out there and relying completely on God for his guidance and provision.

I love change, I love challenge and I crave the feeling where I am blown away, in awe and completely amazed by how great my God is. And you definitely don't get that by choosing to stay in that comfort zone, and not doing something drastic like relocating and starting all over again, new job, new place and new friends (and of course reconnecting with some old ones). I guess what scares me the most is I would reach the end of the year and find out that I am exactly the same person as the one a year before.

But that being said, I am scared and sad to leave the beautiful city of Melbourne. The last 4 years has been absolutely great. I am so grateful to the many people in FGA who has welcomed "the new girl" with open arms and willing to share their lives with us. To all of you, we would be back :) and when we do, I hope you would find us much more matured and much more equipped spiritually to serve alongside you in the new building :D

I am so excited about all that life has to offer in the next 3 years or so. There are so many things we would like to do before "settling down" in Melbourne, so many things to experience and so much more to learn. God has been so gracious to us and I believe this is just the start of something truly amazing :)

So... Melbourne, goodbye for now :)
until we meet again.


...Brings You Back

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