Tuesday, December 8, 2009

If You Only Knew

The reason for this post is kinda random:

I couldn't help but take this picture on my way back from work...

1. I couldn't help but notice this BRIGHT yellow car right in front of me - but what made it really special was that this person was almost TOO proud to be Malaysian cuz there's like this HUGE... No wait... MASSIVE PROTON word right in the middle that u can't help but notice...

2. The number plate:: (zoom in if u must) of this BRIGHT YELLOW PROTON is....
(wait for it)... LAUZY... or maybe he/she meant to spell LOUSY???

But seriously!!! what blows my minds is WHY in the WORLD would ANYONE buy a PROTON in Melbourne??
and if they really LOVE Malaysia THAT much!!! then WHY in the world PAY to have LOUSY as your number plate???
Really??? Is it really necessary???

some people really have too much money!!!!


...Brings You Back

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