Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thinking About You

This song seriously grows on you :)


Anyways, thought I should post up a VERY belated update on my recent trip to Kunming

*Disclaimer: Some pics that I post here are NOT taken by me - because well, even though I do have an amazing camera, we are so lazy, we always use the auto button.
One of the Malaysian vets we met there on our trip (Jesse) however was VERY VERY much more talented and because we shared all the pics after our trip, I think most of the ones posted here are hers! :D

As you can see, Kunming is a REALLY pretty city - it almost is exactly like how u imagine china to be after watching a Chinese movie. It is NOT at all like the major cities ie. Beijing or Shanghai. Here, I got to really experience many of the Chinese minorities' traditions and their culture... and I guess this trip made me somewhat proud of my heritage :)

Anyways, here you still get to see stuff like this...

They have such cute transportation too!!!

These motorcycles are all electric powered!!! Who knew china would be more environmentally friendly :)

So the first day was spent around the little district around our resort -> We visited the local markets...

and we got the shock of our lives when we saw what they actually EAT!

Worms... Insects...





*haha* maybe that's why Darrel's vet conference was there???
We also noticed that there were no large stray dogs around... only small strays...
Tsk tsk... I wonder why...


This is taking too long, I'll upload more next time ya :)

Ooooo... Btw, All these pics are Jesse's - Didn't get to upload any of ours.


e October 23, 2009 at 12:57 AM  

haha so funny. eiuu..worms...

...Brings You Back

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