Everything's Right
Mother's Day was a couple of days ago...
I wanted to write a post for Mother's day but *sigh* we were so busy the whole mother's day weekend...
Better late than never right?
Most of the people I know would always argue that THEY have the best moms in the world... :)
Their moms cook the BEST food, give the BEST advice... etc
Although I do realise that my mom has her own weaknesses
Yet I would also argue that she would win the GREATEST MOM award...
My mom grew up as the eldest in a family with a majority of girls (like mine)
and she always thought us that GIRLS can do everything a boy can do...
My mom is literary the house doctor, painter, carpenter, electrician, plumber, mechanic,
ie. she pumps the petrol, checks the car, paints the gate, fix the lights, and the pipes etc.
and on TOP of that she does all the 'girly' stuff as well...
she sews, she cuts hair, she COOKS!!!!!
Brought up 6 children!! and still keeps her job!
So yah!
I was brought up in an environment where due to the LACK of boys (which is so unlike darrel's family) we had to help paint the gate, fix the mosquito netting, wash the car, and carry heavy stuff!!!
I feel awfully pampered here in Melbourne cuz there are so MANY boys in this family - i actually can't remember the last time I helped carry the shopping!! it somehow is always the boy's job...
But anyways, a big thank you to my mummy for her constant prayers, her support, love and all the years of encouragement - silently letting us know that you care and you support us in every decision we make... I know you are always a phone call away to lend a listening ear and I could always find comfort in your prayers...
Thank you for setting an example as a God fearing woman, teaching us to trust God and His ways,
Thank you for encouraging us to grow as a FULL person, letting us get our motorcycle licence, letting me learn drums even when it wasn't very lady like at that time :)
I really appreciate all that you and daddy have sacrificed all these years for the 6 of us!!!
I LOVE YOU and have a very Happy belated Mothers Day!!!
nydzzz i cant wait to see you....how long will ya be in syd for grad? ;p
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