Saturday, April 11, 2009


Fair - Remy Zero

Yesterday was Good Friday...

Darrel and the boys came over for a gaming session... while I spent the afternoon watching this Japanese Drama series called 'The Liar Game'...
Usually, I don't watch shows like that - cuz well... the movie is exactly as the title describes it to be... and well, I HATE depressing shows like these...

It's about this disgusting game  that involves a participant/victim - most of which are carefully chosen who are vulnerable, scared and are in need of money...

The game starts off with the dealer giving each victim 100 million dollars and informs them the rules of the game - they are to steal their opponent's 100 million dollars, if not theirs would be stolen. After 30 days, the dealer would collect their debt of 100 million dollars, and whatever profit (stolen/lied to obtain) would be theirs to keep - but if their money is stolen - they would have to pay in full regardless...

And so the story involves this girl - almost stupidly gullible is what I would describe her as... She purely trust, willingly forgives and sincerely believes that no one in this world is truly evil...

And so as the story unfolds and she is sucked into this evil game...

Most would think, that NO ONE in this world, when in pressure, in debt, alone, scared and faced with such betrayal, deceit and selfishness - would still be able to turn their backs at hatred, revenge and bitterness... 

But have the ability to smile in to the eyes of the ones who hurt them... those who mock their pure trust and belief in the goodness of humanity...

and well... with all the goodness within her, the unfailing trust that NO ONE in this world is born truly evil...

she not only chooses to forgive... and to hold nothing against them... but even more - she chooses to help EVERYONE out of their debts... and in turn save them by helping them have hope in mankind...


I on one hand, have been blessed enough to not personally know anyone who I believe is truly evil... 

and YET, surprising enough, I don't think I could EVER look into the eyes of a murderer, someone who has done so much evil - and smile, and truly forgive - NOT even if I wasn't the victim...

I don't think I can believe in the goodness of a 911 terrorist who killed so many innocent lives... or Joseph Kony in particular who abducted all the child soldiers... the one who stole away their childhood and ALL their innocence...

I really don't think I could truly forgive them... Nor do I believe they still have an ounce of goodness within them... 

And yet... that's what Easter and Good Friday is all about...

Their sin is NO BIGGER than mine...

And still Jesus chose to die for me and for them too...
So what right do I have to say that I don't forgive them?

When He has chosen to forgive me first...


...Brings You Back

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