Monday, November 10, 2008

Long Time Coming

Long Time Coming - Oliver James

Last night I called my parents - I usually talk to them at least once a week... It's always nice to hear that familiar voice... I guess I have always found comfort knowing that someone is praying for me - well in my case... this time, they got everyone they know to pray for me and my finals... and *smiles* I LOVE THEM for that!

So during that short half an hour conversation (usually it can go up to an hour... maybe more), somehow I found myself telling my dad this miraculous story about my week - about this assignment of mine... and He told me something that I thought was so interesting...

'Write it down! Pen those stories down... cuz if not in time u'll forget how gracious God has been to you these 3 years...'

I think we've all established the fact that NOPE - I have NEVER been a good writer... YES I talk A LOT but NO I don't write very well... But I think I wanna challenge myself this time around... That I will NOT keep all these miraculous testimonies to myself... In that little pink diary of mine... :)

I have always LOVED telling stories... and I have ALWAYS believed in the power of stories... LOVED hearing them, loved reading them... so maybe writing stories and telling them to people are actually very similar!

So I will try (can't promise it'll happen) but I'll try to pen down how good God has been to me :) Personally... I RESPECT people having different faiths (I REALLY DO and I could NEVER dream of forcing what I believe in down someone's throat)

But I think I've tried fitting in this world for too long now... See, today I watch this OLD movie 'What a girl wants' and this quote HIT ME!

'Why are you trying so hard to fit in when u were born to stand out?'

So I have decided... I don't really care if people started arguing on the existence of God and religion - which one is the right one and which isn't...

These are MY STORIES and what I believe... :)
I believe in Life! in Living LIFE to the fullest... and for me to do that -> I NEED to believe that miracles ARE REAL... and there is HOPE and LOVE and HAPPINESS still left for people in this world to believe in :)

So ya! I've always thought Albert Einstein was a wise man...

'There are only two ways to live your life
One is as though nothing is a miracle
The other is as though EVERYTHING is a miracle'

And I think... I'd want to LIVE like the latter... :D


Anonymous November 10, 2008 at 11:53 PM  


was just discussing dis with stevenC sort of. with regards to my old blog. you can see the faithfulness of God as you tell stories and pen down stuff... and then you can see where God was and where it was just your own strength so very clearly :D

Anonymous November 15, 2008 at 4:04 AM  


i like the quote, make me feel like watching the movie, is it a good one? :) akh, by the way, how r ya nyd? long time no see...

Nydia November 16, 2008 at 1:52 AM  

Hey nana!!!

I'm good :) just finished exams!! :D :D so HAPPY!!!

ya the movie's a typical chic flick! I personally LOVE it tho :D

Kevin: I know... That's the beauty of hindsight huh? being able to stand there in awe at how God was there through it all :) *sigh* I think I couldn't have possibly gone tru uni without God... I really think if it were my own strength - I would have given up LONG ago :)

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